

Adult protective services (APS) caseworkers fill a unique role for the elderly who are in danger of harm, unable to protect themselves, and/or have no one else to assist them. APS caseworkers are mandated to investigate and evaluate all reports of suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over.

Core 2.0

Starting in 2021, the OHSTS conducted a needs assessment to gather information from a variety of sources to identify needed revisions to the mandated Core training series, including session evaluations, environmental scans, literature reviews, and discussions with several other states. Most importantly, we listened to you…our learners. Through surveys and focus groups, we heard loud and clear that increased relevance, flexibility, and support to skill must be critical components of Core 2.0.

Caseworker Core 2.0

Caseworker Core 2.0 courses are organized into five blocksThe blocks are natural groupings of topics that allow for a focused exploration of knowledge and skill in a particular area.

This block provides foundational information that is carried forward in the remaining blocks. This includes an introduction to adult protective services in Ohio, ethical practice and professionalism, legislation and rules, and trauma-informed care.  

This block focuses on the aging process, neurocognition, mental health and substance use considerations, and power and control dynamics. 

This block provides information about identifying older adult treatment and the various forms of maltreatment. 

This block provides information on screening, interviewing, documentation, conducting visits, assessing risk, and safety planning. 

This block is specific to what happens when an APS case is opened. Topics covered in this block are case planning basics, collaboration, delivery, working with the criminal justice system, and case closure. 

Click here for information on what modules are included and up-to-date information: APS Core 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions