

Trainers in the OHSTS may train both standardized curriculum (required trainings for adult protective services (APS) caseworkers and supervisors) and specialized curriculum. Standardized curriculum topics include the aging process, assessing risk, voluntary and involuntary case planning, and working with the criminal justice system. Trainers also train on specialized topics such as mental health, trauma, the aging process, self-neglect, substance abuse, and other topics that relate to APS. These trainers develop their own curriculum and training outlines. Trainers can be approved to train in–person, virtually, and/or both.

As a trainer you have access to a number of resources in the CAPS LMS Knowledge Bank.

  1. Log into CAPS LMS
  2. Select Collaborate (tab at top of page)
  3. Select Knowledge Bank
  4. Toggle to Topics tab at top
  5. Select OUCCAS folder
  6. Select Trainers and Producers folder

Resources available include the following and are continually added to:

  • Trainer Handbook
  • Preparation checklists
  • How to launch virtual training
  • How to manage training schedule
  • Training of Trainers schedule

Specific skills we expect trainers to have or develop:

  • Utilize adult learning theory
  • Incorporate transfer of learning strategies
  • Understand learner characteristics
  • Utilize a variety of evidence-informed learning activities
  • Demonstrate diversity and cultural competence
  • Manage group dynamics
  • Understand the components of a competencybased training system