

Child protective services (CPS) caseworkers fill a unique role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. They are mandated to intervene in cases where children have experienced serious injury or are in immediate danger of serious harm. Casework practice can encompass a variety of interventions. Effective casework practice requires caseworkers to work together with families to identify strengths, needs, and goals to achieve outcomes of safety, permanency, and well-being.

Core 2.0

Starting in 2021, the OCWTP conducted a needs assessment to gather information from a variety of sources to identify needed revisions to the mandated Core training series. Several sources were used to inform the changes, including evaluations, environmental scans, literature reviews, CFSR and CPOE reviews, Citizen Review Panel Reports, curricula, and discussions with several other states. Most importantly, we listened to you…our learners. Through surveys and focus groups, we heard loud and clear that increased relevance, flexibility, and support to skill must be critical components of Core 2.0.

Core 2.0 is broken into modules to offer smaller, more digestible content, designed to be a blended offering of self-directed and instructor-led courses that can be taken virtually or in-person, and offers increased application, skill-building, and transfer-of-learning opportunities.

Caseworker Core 2.0

Caseworker Core 2.0 courses are organized into five blocksThe blocks are natural groupings of topics that allow for a focused exploration of knowledge and skill in a particular area.

This block provides fundamental information critical to laying a good foundation of child protection knowledge and skill. Concepts in this block are carried forward in the remaining blocks. 

Assuring child safety is one of the most important things caseworkers do. This block focuses on identifying child maltreatment, screening, the assessment of safety, and safety planning.

To prevent future maltreatment, caseworkers must work with families to achieve desired behavior change and keep children safe. This block provides information about the assessment of risk, and service planning.

Permanency and well-being are other important goals driving your work. This block includes information about permanency, separation, concurrent planning, independent living and youth transitioning out-of-care, and case closure.

Information about rules, laws, and legislation is folded into most courses in Caseworker Core 2.0. The courses in this block are specific to what happens leading to and in the courtroom.

See up-to-date information and what modules are included:  Core 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions