Welcome to SWORTC!
Southwest Ohio
The Southwest Ohio Regional Training Center (SWORTC) is housed at:
420 Wards Corner Road, Suite J, Loveland, OH 45140.
Part of the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP), the SWORTC is committed to providing high quality, culturally- responsive, family-centered, job-related training for child protective staff and certified caregivers in the region’s eight counties: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland, and Warren.

In cooperation with the Ohio Department of Children and Youth (DCY), the Public Children Services Association of Ohio, and Ohio’s University Consortium for Child and Adult Services (OUCCAS), the staff of the SWORTC has provided competency-based training since 1986.
SWORTC Training
PCSA staff, caregivers, and assessors should log into CAPS LMS to view and enroll in SWORTC training. Anyone who does not have access to the CAPS LMS should review PDF versions of SWORTC training calendars linked below and use the appropriate guest registration process detailed below.
Internal guests are county staff employed at a PCSA, JFS, or CSEA with a State of Ohio User ID (SOUID) that do not have a child/adult protective services role. These guests will contact their RTC directly to request access. Internal guests do not complete the guest registration form below.
External guests include but are not limited to retired staff, law enforcement, teachers, court-appointed special advocates, mental health professionals, and court staff such as public defenders and prosecutors. External guests will not be provisioned access to the CAPS LMS but will be added to the requested instructor-led session on a space-available basis. External guests must complete the guest registration form below to request access to training. You will need the session locator # listed on the training calendars linked below to complete the form.
Interested in participating in the OCWTP coaching program? Search for “Coaching Request Form” in the CAPS LMS and follow the instructions to submit the form. RTC staff will contact you with additional information upon receipt.
Contact SWORTC
SWORTC’s Address:
420 Wards Corner Road, Suite J
Loveland, OH 45140
Diane Davis, SWORTC Administrator
(513) 248-1936
Traci Marr, Staff Training Coordinator
(513) 248-1927
Brian Callahan, Assessor & Caregiver Training Coordinator
(513) 248-1925
Lisa Bushman, Regional Caregiver Coach lisa.bushman@jfs.ohio.gov
(513) 248-0027