Training Requirements
Assessor Training Requirements
For detailed information on the training requirements for assessors, please visit the Ohio Department of Children and Youth Rules and Resourcesto access the FCASPL 415 New Foster Care and Adoption Assessor Procedure letter. Additionally, you can review the relevant administrative rule in OAC 5180:2-48-06. For further guidance, log into the CAPS LMS and launch the self-directed course, Assessor Overview.
Mandated Individual Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) and Individual Development Plan (IDP)
In their second year of employment and every two years after, CPS assessors (in conjunction with their supervisors) are required to complete an individual training needs assessment (ITNA) and create a resulting individual development plan (IDP) in CAPS LMS. Click here for more information.
SUPERVISOR Training Requirements
Mandated Core Training
Each PCSA caseworker supervisor shall complete supervisory core training offered by the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) during the first year of their continuous employment as a PCSA caseworker supervisor, in accordance with section 5153.123 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Mandated Non-Core Training
Within their first two years of hire, each caseworker supervisor is required to complete:
- An approved domestic violence training course(s) listed within the statewide learning management system (LMS)
- An approved human trafficking course listed within the statewide learning management system (LMS).
Mandated Ongoing Training
After their first year, each caseworker supervisor is required to complete 30 hours of ongoing training every year thereafter in areas relevant to the supervisor’s assigned duties.
Mandated Individual Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) and Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Every two years, each PCSA caseworker supervisor (in conjunction with their own supervisor) is required to complete an individual training needs assessment (ITNA) and create a resulting individual development plan (IDP) in the statewide learning management system (LMS). Click here for more information.
Caseworker Training Requirements
Mandated Core Training
Each PCSA caseworker shall complete caseworker core training offered by the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) during the first year of their continuous employment as a PCSA caseworker, in accordance with section 5153.122 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Mandated Non-Core Training
Within their first two years of hire, each caseworker is required to complete:
- An approved domestic violence training course(s) listed within the statewide learning management system (LMS)
- An approved human trafficking course listed within the statewide learning management system (LMS).
Mandated Ongoing Training
After their first year, each caseworker is required to complete 36 hours of ongoing training every year thereafter in areas relevant to the caseworker’s assigned duties.
Mandated Individual Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) and Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Every two years, each PCSA caseworker (in conjunction with their supervisor) is required to complete an individual training needs assessment (ITNA) and create a resulting individual development plan (IDP) in the statewide learning management system (LMS). Click here for more information.
Certified Caregivers Training Requirements
According to rule 5180:2-5-33 of the Ohio Administrative Code, each caregiver must complete training commensurate to the level of fostering they intend to provide. As of 1/1/23, requirements are:
Level of Fostering Training Hours Required
Infant-Only Foster Care 24 within 2-year certification
Family Foster Care 30 within 2-year certification
Specialized Foster Care 45 within 2-year certification
The continuing training topics must reflect the training needs of each foster caregiver, as identified by his or her recommending agency.
To help identify training needs, the OCWTP has developed an optional needs assessment for agencies and foster caregivers. The needs assessment will help caregivers identify key skill areas that need development. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Results will be emailed to the foster caregiver, their agency worker, and the regional training center that serves their agency.
To find training in needed areas, learners can search in CAPS LMS by the identified topic.
Resource Readiness
Beginning in January 2023, foster caregivers must complete training on 11 required topics during their first recertification period.
Family foster homes: 30 hours of training
Specialized foster homes: 45 hours of training
These courses do not need to be completed in a certain order. Families have the option to choose one course from each topic. Families are encouraged to select courses specific to the needs of children placed in their home (if they have already accepted placement) or characteristics of children they have indicated willingness to accept.
If families have completed a course in each topic and need additional training hours, they are able to select from any of these topics, or an additional course outside of Resource Readiness topics based on their training needs